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Pupil Services

Note: Please inform our office directly, as soon as possible, if any of your personal information has changed - for example: phone numbers, addresses, guardianship.

Amy McCloskey

Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Sarah Shelters

10-Month Secretary

Liza Babcock

Titles: School Psychologist, Modified Girls Volleyball, Head Coach
Locations: HS
Phone Numbers:
School: 716-664-6276

Procedural Safeguards

Federal law requires school districts to notify you of your legal rights as a parent or guardian of a child with a disability. 

The procedural safeguards notice must be provided to parents of a student with a disability at a minimum of one time per year and also upon:

  • initial referral or parental request for evaluation;
  • request by a parent;
  • the first filing of a due process complaint notice to request mediation or an impartial due process hearing;
  • a decision to impose a suspension or removal that constitutes a disciplinary change in placement; and
  • receipt of a parent’s first State complaint in a school year.