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Spelling Bee 2024

The annual Fifth Grade Spelling Bee was held Friday, May 17, 2024, in the cafetorium at Southwestern Elementary School.

Students from the classrooms of Ms. Buttafarro, Mrs. Gaurnieri, Mrs. Keppel, and Ms. Waite gathered on stage for the competition. The contestants and alternates wore T-shirts provided by the Parent Teacher Organization and worked very hard to practice and prepare for the bee. 💬

Following the Pledge of Allegiance led by students Vivian Carlson and Savannah Lindbloom, all of the students were introduced. Pronouncer was librarian Cody Whitton and judges were Superintendent Maureen Donahue, teacher and musical director Christine Beichner-Miller, along with 2023 spelling bee winner Breanna Horton.

Congratulations to winner Allison Ochocki, runner-up Sophia Hlad, and all the students who competed: Melani Witherspoon, Elijah Evans, Lily Bentley, Amaya Jimenez, Eden Heintzman, Felix Mangeot, Caroline Case, Will Carlson, Abby McCloskey, Oliver Lennert, Katie Sauder, Avi Whitmore, Allie Cavness, and Joy Messina.

Thank you to librarian Mrs. Shannon Sauder for the T-shirt decals, Mrs. Shelly Phillips for the photographs, and the custodial staff for the event set-up and clean-up. Thank you also to Principal Kaitlyn Ring, Assistant Principal Julia Kinney, and the fifth-grade teachers for their strong support. ❤️💙

📸 Photos courtesy of Shelly Phillips.