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Education Foundation

About the SWCS Foundation

The Southwestern Schools Education Foundation (SSEF) was established in 2004 for the purpose of enhancing the educational programs, initiatives and capital projects of the district and for additional support of items in the annual school budget that could not be initiated or maintained without private sector funding and charitable giving. The SSEF operates independently from the Southwestern Central School District Board of Education and is comprised of interested community members, parents, alumni, local business leaders, administrators, teachers and students.

Our Mission and Purpose

The Southwestern Schools Education Foundation (SSEF) was established in 2004 for the purpose of enhancing the educational programs, initiatives and capital projects of the district and for additional support of items in the annual school budget that could not be initiated or maintained without private sector funding and charitable giving. The SSEF operates independently from the Southwestern Central School District Board of Education and is comprised of interested community members, parents, alumni, local business leaders, administrators, teachers and students.


Working Together
The Southwestern Schools Education Foundation works with other organizations to provide the best opportunities for the Southwestern Schools and their students.


On August 25, 2004, the SSEF signed agreements with the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation (CRCF) establishing endowment and non-endowment accounts. The CRCF is a 501(c)(3) organization under IRS regulations and contributions. Therefore, are eligible for the highest tax deduction available. The partnership provides the SSEF expertise and benefits such as professional investment management, tax return filings, administrative services, regular financial reports, labor savings, and public accountability through the CRCF’s annual financial audit.